The festival is located next to the town of Osterlars on the danish island of Bornholm, south of Denmark and Sweden. Most commonly, your trip to Chipwrecked consists of three legs. Each of them is described in depth below!
- Getting from where you live to somewhere with direct transportation to Bornholm
- Using the said transportation to get to the island
- When on the island - navigating to the festival
Leg 1
This is the most varied one, since everyone lives in different places - so there's no simple guide for this one! The goal is to get from wherever you live to one of the places that has a direct connection to Bornholm - usually a ferry or a bus+ferry combo. Conveniently, some of those places have internatinoal airports. Choices are the following:
- Copenhagen (Denmark)
- Malmo (Sweden)
- Ystad (Sweden)
- Sassnitz (Germany)
Please, plan your trip to one of these destinations on your own. If you're not a seasoned traveller, flying to Copenhagen international airport is recommended.
Leg 2
Once you get to one of the destinations noted above, take the transportation that brings you to Ronne, the biggest city on Bornholm island with a large bay. Chipwrecked is not associated with any of the transportation providers noted below; those are merely provided as known ways to go about your journey.
The website of sells tickets for busses and ferries. You have two options: bus+ferry (cheaper and a bit faster, but you get to board a bus) or ferry only (slower, but only the rather spacious ferry). Admittedly, their website is not localised even to common english language. To go to bookings, press "book bilet". Select "Retur" (two-way ticket), set "Fra" (from) to Kobenhavn (Copenhagen), "Til" (to) to Ronne and input how many adults (Voksne) and children (børn) are you buying for. Then you will get the date-time options. The ones with the ferry icon are ferry-only. The ones with the bus icon are bus AND ferry; the bus will take you to Ystad (south of Malmo, Sweden) - from there, you board a short ferry to Ronne. That's pretty much it!
Notes for the bus+ferry selection! You will have to show your ticket two times: at the bus *and then* at the ferry terminal. The busses leave from a bus stop near Copenhagen airport; it looks like an ordinary bus stop and has no sign saying 'long distance busses' or whatever. It's located at [55.6293378,12.6506345] (google maps pin), you walk to it like this and it looks like this. Sometimes a bus that arrives on time will be full, and the driver may shout "five minutes ok?!", slam the door and drive away. Don't worry; an additional backup bus is arriving soon.
The Rest
It is possible to reach Bornholm from a german town called Sassnitz; there is a direct Sassnitz-Rone ferry departing from there. Reaching Sassnitz is possible via bus or a series of busses. This section did not receive enough informing from people who went that route, so please, figure your logistics on your own, should you opt for this route!
Leg 3
The exact location of the fest grounds on Bornholm will be available again about a month before Chipwrecked 2025. Stay tuned!