Chipwrecked RSS

How can i follow?

First, get an RSS reader. They are available even as browser extensions, and if you're running Firefox, Feedbro or Smart RSS reader create one inside your browser in a click. (and if you're not running Firefox, you likely should be).

Then, copy this link and add it as an RSS source to your reader. Now, if CHIPWRECKED writes some news to the file, your reader will parse and display it to you!

How does it work?

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a very old and very lightweight way of sharing news around. Instead of getting push notifications, having to subscribe to anything, or visit a hundred pages per day, one can simply use an RSS reader to follow someone's channel. The channel is stored as a small textfile, and "following" just means getting the link to the file and feeding it to the reader. When launched, the reader checks if there's any new stuff in the said file, and if so, displays it as news. Very simple and seriously countercorporate, since the channel runner doesn't even get to know how many people follows it.